Curious leaders need disruptive provocation to challenge their thinking.

15 spiky points of view to help you reflect

Duncan Skelton
3 min readMar 20, 2023
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An executive coaching client recently said of me—

“Few people challenge and engage like he does.”

As a positive testimonial of what I bring to coaching clients it means a lot to me, because it reflects the discomfort and edge-work I continue to engage with.


There is significant value in moving the needle more toward provocation when coaching senior leaders. Disruptive questions are useful for challenging long-held beliefs and entrenched stories.

It’s not for everyone. And that’s why I spend time designing my relationships and revisiting that design often.

Through writing about leadership I’ve learned to access and offer (without attachment) many more challenging thoughts.

Here are 15 links to atomic essays (approx 300 words) that embody challenge:

On Goal Setting…



Duncan Skelton

Leadership & Executive Coach. Accidental serial marathon runner. A rock climber, always looking to the next adventure.